Saturday, March 1, 2014

First heart break

My youngest son, Mr. P., came home recently with the most devastated face.
"What happened bud?" I asked him quietly
"Why are girls so weird?" He asked me while his little face looked up at me so forlorn I wanted to hug him. At 10 he would not have appreciated me doing that so I passed.
"Tell me what happened."
"Ok, fine. This girl kept bugging me and bugging me because she wanted me to be her boyfriend. (My heart skipped a beat here. Already? No way! He's not old enough is he?) So finally I said FINE! Then everyone started teasing us saying P has a girl friend ewww. Mr. P and C sitting in a tree... ( YOu know how the rest goes) So she broke up with me because she said it was to much pressure and she didn't need that. Now she won't talk to me and she keeps hitting me when I am not ready saying HA UNEXPECTED! THEN, when we are in line she puts someone between us and says I don't want to even stand by him. He disgust me!"
As a mom I wanted to laugh at first but as his tirade continued I wanted to find the little twit and beat her butt! Is that wrong? Maybe, but the urge was strong. 
"Maybe she is just upset because she knows she made a mistake breaking up with you and she has a broken heart?" My daughter chimed in.
"She broke her own dang heart then cause I didn't do it." He walked off disgusted with girls. 
Thank God for that! I am not ready for another kid into love drama yet. 


  1. Joe at Cranky Old Man suggested I visit your blog and I like what I'm reading, but don't see a way to follow you. I hope you provide a way, and I hope you'll visit me at Chubby Chatterbox sometime. Take care, and welcome back to the blogosphere.

  2. And another in the line from Cranky's place.
    I live with grandchildren in school. Right now we're working on the youngest, 12, to explain going to school to learn, not to make drama. It's just a tough world out there. Always was, always will be.

  3. Women! Can't live with them, and can't live with them.

    And I recommend SH and JN highly.

  4. Oh man, already girl troubles ? She did not have to be defensive either. He is right. She worked towards her own heart ache.

    As soon as I find a way to follow your blog. I shall. It is very cute and full of interesting posts.

  5. Just when life seems to go along, bammmm! pre Teens.

    Like Munir, said. Get the follower list up there, girl.

  6. One handsome smart son of mine was too busy to bother with girls till after college. He married the second girl he met who was smart beautiful and a b((*&tch.
    The other smart handsome son was swarmed over by girls from about second grade and after college had the experience to find a real gem. A keeper. Think about it......:)
