Monday, March 10, 2014

Motherhood. The hardest yet most rewarding job I have ever had!

I am a firm believer in consequences for actions. I have a son which I often refer to as Mr. P. He is 10 years old. His mind is like a steel trap and he is very intelligent. (Probably due to the fact that he is not my biological son.) 
However, the child, sometimes, makes no sense. 
A couple of weeks ago this child, that I love with all my heart, informs me that he wishes that I could go to school, and he could stay home and do what I do. Because, obviously all I do is play on the computer and lay around eating bon bon's . 
I stared gape jawed at the little imp. Really? Is that what they think I do all day?
So when he didn't flush the toilet AGAIN on Friday, after being warned repeatedly that he would be grounded if he didn't. (Grounding at my house is serious business. No TV, no friends, games, phone, NOTHING, except a book and chores.) 
I felt it was a great time to show him exactly what I do. I only had three hours as his mother would be picking him up for the weekend.
I had him clean bathrooms, pick up laundry, let the dogs in and out, make beds, clean his room, dust and vacuum and anything else I could possibly think of. I sat on my butt and watched TV for once. It was interesting. Had not sat down and just watched a show during the day in forever. Dr. Oz? Who knew?
By the time he got through, it was almost time for mom to show up. 
I sat him down and explained the dangers of not flushing, AGAIN. And asked him how he enjoyed being me for a couple of hours.
"That sucked!! He sulked
"But you only did it for a couple of hours. You didn't even get to clean up the yard, or litter box, or make dinner and have people complain about it. You didn't get to make kids do their homework, nor do dishes plus all the other stuff I do every day. We should do this again. I hope you forget to flush soon." I grinned knowing I had him.
"I can't. I really have to go to school. I don't like your job at all!" He almost jumped out of his seat trying to emphasize how much he hated it.
Motherhood; The hardest, yet most rewarding job I have ever done!

1 comment:

  1. Blame the "makes no sense" on genetics and being ten, take some major credit for the intelligence. Intelligence is not all genetic, it can be picked up by osmosis from intelligent people you live with.

    How and why do 10 yo's forget to flush? Dang!!
