Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's finally here!

Spring crept in slowly this past week. 
Yesterday was a balmy 71 degrees. I hurried and got my inside chores done then went for a walk. 
After my 3 miles I did something I haven't done in months. 
I went and put my shorts on. I did and I felt free.
Sitting out back on my patio, I let the sun and mild breeze caress my skin. I bathed in, soaking in all the vitamin D I could get. 
The demon inside me that had been crunching my bones with excruciating pain all winter, finally let go. 
There was not a part of my that was sad or unhappy. I felt peaceful and content as I listened to my returning friends chirping away in the tree right outside my yard.
As I lay there I slowly drifted off to sleep, I didn't even realized I did it. One minute I was looking at everything there was to see in this bright and beautiful world and the next I was in dream land. 
My dream started out wonderful. I was on a beach, (which I miss. The West coast just doesn't have as beautiful beaches as back East.)
My kids were playing in the water, chasing little sand crabs. Not as they are now but as little tykes. They were enjoying it as only children can. All innocent eyes and wonder. 
Suddenly, the sand crabs turned into lobsters and they were pinching me, over and over, all up and down my body. I woke with a start realizing that I had just experienced something that only Spring brings me. A sun burn. Oh yes my friends. I got my first skin scorching sun burn yesterday. 
Thankfully, I have enough Indian in me that today I am a nice golden brown. Last night sucked though. 
I wish you all a happy and sunburn free Spring.


  1. Sunburn...frostbite...wind burn...Is nothing safe!

  2. We're having a blizzard. Literally. Visibility is about 50 feet in front of the car right now, and although we will likely end up with only about 6 inches, the winds are around 60 mph.

    This weekend will be 60. Youngest and I will be building raised garden boxes. I'll be sure to put my sunblock on. :)

  3. I am so happy for you. We still have 34 degrees today. Still wearing my winter coat.

  4. So glad you're finally able to go for a walk outside & not fall off curbs!!

  5. I remember sun, warmth, shorts, getting a tan. Vaguely...
