Friday, March 7, 2014

How a Veteran made my day!

I have to admit that I love veterans! Those of you that know me from my other blog know my feelings on this matter. I know live on base. I have the privilege of seeing and interacting with them regularly. It delights me! Why am I going on this tangent?
The day after my surgery, my eye's were a little foggy still, but I needed a walk! I walk about three miles a day, and I had not done this in a couple of days so I was feeling a little claustrophobic. Meaghan loaded up Lily in her stroller, and I gathered my dogs. For those of you that do not know I lost my St Bernard on New Years eve. It was horrible and we are not going to talk about it. Anyway Phil got me a puppy for Valentines day. She is a Border Collie, Kelbi mix. Her name is Gidget. (Not sure on the spelling of the second breed.) 
We walked to the shoppette and got a drink. Meaghan stayed outside with the dogs and baby. When I came out and older African American gentleman ask what kind of dogs they were and asked why I had a thing around the Australian Shepherds nose. He wanted to know if he bites. I told him it was a leader and that Rango leads me around things by pulling me to the side as I am legally blind. 
"Legally blind did you say? Then you can't see how devastatingly handsome I am? Well, I look like..." At this point we both said Denzel Washington at the same time. I laughed and said
"How did I know you were going to say that?"
"All the pretty ladies love Denzel!" He exclaimed also laughing.. 
"Are you flirting with me? My husband would not like that at all sir!" I grinned. I couldn't help it.
"If you liked it then yes. If you didn't then no." He replied and waited patiently for me to answer.
"I am flattered! That's for sure, but you better go get your stuff in the store. Before my kid tattles to my husband and he knocks you out." 
He took my hand and kissed it. KISSED my hand! Oh I was in stitches now! Then he walked away whistling like he didn't have a care in the world. 
He made my day!


  1. Veterans are cool people. I know a WW Veteran who is eighty something. His wife is legally blind and he reads recipes for her to cook. That is so heart warming.
    You take care of yourself.

  2. What sadist would buy a legally blind woman a border collie? Wonderfully intelligent, but they need exercise 24/7.

    Are you flirting with me? "If you liked it then yes, if not then no" Best Answer Ever!!

  3. What a clever man! Flirting? Oh my yes!!
