Friday, March 21, 2014

My rant for the week!

Sorry I have not been on here in a week. My computer is apparently in dire need of being thrown our the window after I smash it with a sledge hammer. Probably not the politically correct thing to say but that is how I feel. I should probably say: My computer decided to take it's annual vacation time. Although it was inconvenient for me, I will accept and love it anyway. Which leads to my next tirade. 
I have to admit I'm a little pissed off. Why? I'm glad you asked. 
My youngest son came home with a homework assignment. It read
"Some people want to change the National Anthem, either because they are from a different country, or because it mentions God. Do you think we should change the Anthem? If so why? If not why?"
If you don't want to read a rant, you might want to go read something else.
Steaming I asked my son what his thoughts were.
He said he didn't think we should change it. So he wrote an essay. I was very proud of him. 
He stated that we should not change the Anthem as this Nation was founded on the principal of Freedom of Religion. He quoted history and how the song was written by Keys while he was imprisoned on a British ship watching patriots fight for our Freedoms. 
He told how the song was written in English because that was the language our fore fathers decided this Nation should speak. He said that people that come here and want this to be there new home should learn the National Anthem and sing it with pride. 
On and on he went and it was well written for a 10 year old. I grew up in a foreign land. I learned their language, their anthem, I ate their food. We decorated the inside of our house in American fashion but we never flew our flag outside or above their flag. We respected their culture, their country and their laws. 
We did everything legally. Why? Because it was THEIR country. We were just living there. 
I now live on a military base. I love that at 7:30 rev-ally  (or however it is spelled) is played, and at 5pm the National Anthem is played, and again at 9 pm Taps is played. While those songs are playing NO ONE MOVES. Car's stop. People stop walking, running or whatever else they are doing. Children or all color, shapes, sizes and ages, stand at attention, hand over heart, facing either the flag if they can see it or the direction the music is coming from. 
I think it's a shame that we are sitting here letting illegals come here and tell us what we can and can't do. Now, we are giving them a voice on our Anthem? Really? Illegal means NOT LEGAL! Why are we even allowing this? What has our Nation become? It seems we are becoming a bunch of liberal pansies, to afraid to say or do anything in the event we might offend someone. When we were kids our parents told us not to be so thin skinned. They were right. We are wrong!


  1. I suspect this school teacher is just an idiot, don't let him upset you. I have heard of no attempt to change the anthem for the sake of foreigners and the Star Spangled Banner lyrics never mention God except on the fourth verse which NOONE has ever heard.

    Some people do not like the current Anthem as it is hard to sing and a bit "Battle Oriented" I wouldn't mind having it changed to "America the Beautiful" or "God Bless America" except I kinda like tradition.

  2. Ricky Gervais once said "Thank God I am an atheist. This means that we all believe in God except that some of us don't admit it or don't even know it. It is different in different languages. So I think that the word GOD should be there in the Pledge. I do not have the national anthem memorized but if the word "GOD" is there, it is nice. Also English is fine for the National Anthem.

  3. I'm thinking it was just a "controversial" subject that the teacher could introduce that could produce a debatable essay. You should see what my 13 year old had to write about.

    That said... I completely agree with you.
