Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Job titles.

A young lady came to my door and asked if she could do a survey with me. I had a minute so I said yes.
She asked my name, address (which amused me since she was on my door step.) and then my favorite question came...
"What is your occupation?"
Well my mind went wild!
I am a babysitter, financial consultant, psychiatrist, chef, I run a laundry mat, lawyer, doctor, physical fitness coach, referee, school teacher, I grocery shop for others, bill pay, dog walker, furniture repair woman, plumber, maintenance personnel, on call pharmacist, among other things. Did I mention I do it all pro bono and I have the worst co-workers in the world? They can't do anything for themselves without my telling them to and even then they act like I'm killing them.
What I actually said was 
"I'm a stay at home mom."
Her response?
"Lucky you!"
Shoot me now!!!


  1. Well kinda lucky I guess, considering going house to house taking surveys is not a great way to pass the time, I doubt she meant stay at home mom is an easy job, just that she would prefer that to taking surveys...it does come out a bit presumptuous though.

    Most people know how difficult your job is.

  2. Ha ha ha sounds like we have the same (TOUGH) job! Huraaah!

  3. Perceptions. Assumptions. I hope her other data is correct.

  4. Lol... you are hilarious. You know, I was a stay at home mom, too when my daughters were little. It is not as easy as people think.

  5. My thoughts are going along with Joeh's - maybe she had child/ren at home and maybe she would have preferred the tough job of staying at home with them instead of the tough job of going house to house, taking surveys.

    Luckily, there are tough days and great days in either job! :-)

  6. I'm a stay at home mom, too. And after a long conversation with a friend about how I felt unimportant because I didn't financially contribute to the household, she sent me a link to an article (NY Times, I think?) that detailed exactly how much it would cost for people to hire people who do what we do. I think our "salary" was somewhere in the 100k/year mark. It's a hard "job" and it's also often thankless, but I bet just like me you wouldn't change it for the world! :)

  7. Hilarious! After our two sons reached the toddler stage my wife couldn't wait to get back to teaching junior high. She said she needed a break....:)

  8. Well put! Although she could have meant, "Lucky you, you get to be there for your children. I wish I could." Not, "Lucky you, you get to sit around eating bon bons all day!" I've certainly meant MANY working moms who say they work outside of the house because being home with the kids is just way too much work!

  9. Lucky you? How rude! To make you feel better... I have the worst co-workers in the world. When I got ill in July 2013, six of them couldn't even do my job.
