Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What is in a name?

My good friend Joe at Cranky old man, I've forgotten how to do a hyperlink so here is his link, cracks me up. He posted about his youngest son calling his other son Matt, Mo for the longest time.
It made me think about the names that children make up for people.
My nephew Cayden has gone from calling my husband Phil, Da, My Guy, WaWa, and now he can kind of say Uncle Phil but it comes out Gruncle Phil.
My youngest son, and I should specify here that he is my step son, called me Belinda until he went to school and found out it was Melynda. About broke my heart when he stopped calling me that.
In turn growing up it seemed no one could ever get my name right. 
I went from Lyndee, which is the nick name I grew up with, to Lyndia, Belinda, Lynn, Mel, some unsavory ones that we will skip, Sunshine, that's my husbands nickname for me, and many more. I always respond, but I have to admit that when I was younger it kinda stung a little that everyone messed up my name. 
Why are names so important? Why do we get upset if someone doesn't remember our name or say it right? 
Is it because we have a need to be individuals? Is it the fact that people know who we are by our name? 
Imagine if you would if your name was Rasbuten. Would that be a name you would want to be called your whole life or would you change it because of it's direct connection with evil?
What about Lilleth? Or Lucifer?
I have noticed that I get along well with people that have certain names but other names and I tend to fight. Is it the name that determines the persons personality?
No I won't reveal the names I don't get along with.
I don't know what it is about names that is so important specifically. As humans though we name every pet and child carefully. (Well most of us are careful about it.)
What do you think? Is there something in a name?


  1. My son and DIL are teachers, they had a hard time naming the grandchildren as almost every name suggested was connected to at least one student that they could not stand.

    Oh and thanks for the plug!

  2. In the sixth grade Sherry Koch did something, blamed it on me, and was never reprimanded. I was. Fortunately I never met another Sherry.

  3. I never thought about it, but I will tell you, and blame it on senior moments, I can never remember if the Y in your name comes first, which would be Mylenda, or if it is Melynda. I know now, it was above, after all and I hope I will remember it next time.

  4. i definitely think a name plants some sort of 'memory' - whether good or bad - of folks you've encountered before with that name or something similar. :)

    as for the feeder, the ducks toppled the actual bird bath top off that pedestal one too many times and broke it so i had to finagle a replacement that they couldn't tip off. :)

  5. Perhaps being stuck with a babyish name is not an advantage in adulthood.... except if your sweetie pie likes it. :)

  6. My great nephew calls me Aunt Rick. He's in kindergarten. It cracks me up.

  7. I suspect that there are far fewer "Adolf"s in the U.S....


  8. I suppose I should be grateful I have such an ordinary name. My sister, who was named Ashley after our great-grandfather, long before it became a girl's name, endured nicknames like AshCan, AshTray. Since I have no sense, that's also my daughter's name, but she fared better. It was an accepted name by the time she hit school. However, she called herself Sosslie until she was three.

  9. What's in a name? It reminded me of a question I asked myself some time ago...What's in a man? But this is not about me, so what's in a name? Well, Melynda (see I got it right!), I suppose a name reminds us of who we are. It tells us that other people see us, that they recognize our existence. I've got so many names, I kinda listen to every name in the book... Blue, RC, Randy, Buddy, Ran... even Tony (why, I still don't know), so....

    But did you say unsavory ones?
