Friday, April 25, 2014

To my son Kyle on his birthday.

Today is one of the most special and important days of my life!
17 years ago on this day I gave birth to my beautiful,10.5 lbs baby boy. 
Oh yes. It's gonna be another one of those post!

Dear Kyle,
When I begged and pleaded for God to give me a boy, I had no idea he would give me one as special as you.
I remember holding you for the first time. I cried and cried. You were so perfect.
I remember you biting my boob, even though i didn't breast feed you, and drawing blood. Still have that scar. Kinda hard to forget that moment.
I remember trying to feed you. You were so impatient I had to hold your arms down so you wouldn't knock the spoon out of my hand.
I remember taking you to school for the first time. Again I cried all the way home, then rushed back before the 2 hours where up.
I remember you bringing me dandelion heads that you had picked for me and put in a glass of water. Even though I was allergic to them I loved every single one of them. 
I remember you crawling into my lap because you had a bad dream or had fallen and hurt yourself.
I remember the stitches and the hospital visits.
I remember you saying you loved me for the first time and your little hand in mine.
Now you are all grown up and growing away from all those little things that I loved so much. Yet, still you hug and kiss me every morning and tell me you love me. 
I don't know what I ever did to deserve you but know that whatever it was I will always be grateful for it. 
I love you son. No matter what happens during your life never forget that.
Oh and Thank you for leaving your Facebook page open for me to access. I had a lot of fun talking myself up to your friends yesterday. Please repeat that action often.
Love Mom.


  1. Touching...and funny (The Facebook thing.)

  2. I love that you pirated his page, but I'll suspect that he won't do it again. :)

    Funny that he bit you and drew blood... like a vampire baby. :)

  3. sweet boy! happy birthday to your young man!

  4. Well said mom! And enjoy your new blog. It can be lots of fun and a great outlet...:)
