Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Things I hope my kids learn before I die!

First of all I have a new computer! Yay! Maybe this one will let me actually have access to the internet that I pay so dearly for.
On to the post!
Things I hope my children learn before I die:
Beating the snot out of your siblings really does not accomplish anything (Verbal counts also)
Asking where your stuff is, that you used and put somewhere is also pointless. It didn't grow legs and walk away! Find it!
Holding grudges only hurts you. The person you are holding a grudge against is only minimally affected, if at all. You will just get ulcers, and go bald fretting about it.
Cleaning up after yourself is not the end of the world. You made the mess clean it up! I am not your slave, I believe that was abolished many, many years ago. Could be wrong, but look up Abe Lincoln.
Getting mad at a teacher because you didn't turn your homework in is asinine. You are to blame. Not your teacher.
Playing video games till all hours of the wee morning will get you no where in life.
Your friends should not dictate your behavior, your sleep habits, your eating habits, your clothing, your life. You are in charge of that and no one else. You have to be happy with yourself and find happiness in yourself. No one can do it for you.
I hope above all else that you are respectful, legal, upstanding citizens, that work hard, play hard, and contribute to society. That you always remember the key to a successful life is God first, then family, then friends and society.
Think outside the box, never give up on your dreams, and know that your mama loves you and is very proud of you. Understand that God loves you even more than I do.
Now for heavens sakes go clean up your room. It makes me want to vomit!


  1. Asking where your stuff is, that you used and put somewhere is also pointless. It didn't grow legs and walk away!

    Except that Wives and Moms somehow always know where stuff is.

  2. I'm SO glad you're back!!

  3. Very good, Mom!. We had a cat puke rule, too. If you see it, clean it up.

  4. Excellent advice. If only kids would listen. I know I didn't when I was a kid :)

  5. Just one little suggestion. Stop beating around the bush and say what you really mean.....:)

  6. Holding grudges only hurts you. The person you are holding a grudge against is only minimally affected, if at all. So true. I'm trying my best to remember that one. That doesn't mean it's easy. :)

    Love this post on many levels.

  7. I would like them to learn that when they do things for themselves, or help me with my things... it makes for a much better day.

    And also how to make cookies. Because what's better than being surprised by cookies?
